In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, a limerick:
They say there are pots filled with gold,
Which leprechauns happily hold.
But search high and low,
You might never know,
If they're real or just tales that are told!
Let’s celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!
In Ireland they like to say, "There are no strangers, just friends you haven't met
yet.” And in our friendly town, it’s time to make new friends at the St. Patrick’s
Day Parade!
Sedona St Patrick’s Parade

March 18, 2023.
Sedona St Patrick’s Parade & Festival is a FREE cultural-heritage celebration. It starts at 10:30 a.m. along Jordan Road from Jordan Historical Park to Mesquite Avenue. The parade is hosted by City of Sedona Parks and Recreation Department. Wear your favorite green attire and join the fun.
All the details here!
Looking for More Sedona Events?
March 15: FREE Shredding Event for our Sedona Community
Sedona residents may shred four banker boxes for free. Please line
up in the parking lot at the Sedona Chamber Event sign and remain
in your car. For safety reasons, this will be a contactless event. Please
place your items to be shredded in your back seat or trunk, and
the Elevated Shredding crew will remove them from your car. The
Sedona Chamber and the American Legion Post 135 Honor/Color
Guard will assist with directions in the parking lot.
When: Wednesday, March 15 from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Where: Sedona Performing Arts Center, Parking Lot